
Peace in Mali expected soon

Peace in Mali expected soon

A blog by Boubacar Issa Traoré, director Peace One Day Mali. Since 2012, after the military putsch which overthrew President Amadou Toumani Touré, Mali has fallen into a social and political crisis. Northern Mali has become the scene of heavy fighting between the army...

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Our escape to Sinjar mountain

Our escape to Sinjar mountain

Brahim Khudeda 21 years old, Qadia Camp We were thinking about how to live, how to pass our days ... We never hated anyone and didn’t hurt anybody. Everything changed in one night. Before that sad night, we had heard about ISIS and what they were doing to people in...

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Zimbabwe: give the youth a voice

Zimbabwe: give the youth a voice

A blog by a guest editor from Zimbabwe, Crab Nhari (pseudonym). Zimbabwe is a country in Southern Africa which gained independence from colonial rule in 1980. It has a population of around 15 million, 52% being females and 48% males. The population is young, around...

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Nonviolence is a superpower

Nonviolence is a superpower

Francois Zankeh lives in Turkey and writes about Syria, 20 May 2020 This is a call for peace from Francois Zankeh. He lived in Syria and was victim of a violent kidnapping. His life goal is to achieve peace through nonviolent means. The world is losing a lot due to...

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Blog Report on the situation in Idlib

Blog Report on the situation in Idlib

9 May, 2019 In the last few days, the city of Idlib and some of its surrounding areas have witnessed a massive exodus due to the bombardment of Russian airliners, displacing thousands of families and demolishing houses and hospitals. More than 40 thousand cifilians...

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Oplossingen voor Jemen

Oplossingen voor Jemen

Onlangs werd in de Jemenitische provincie Sa'dah een schoolbus geraakt door een luchtaanval die geleid werd door Saoedi-Arabië. Er vielen 51 doden, onder wie 40 kinderen. Een week geleden vond weer een luchtaanval plaats in de havenstad Hodeidah waarbij 22 kinderen om...

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SOS Ghouta, Syrië

SOS Ghouta, Syrië

Picture: March 25, 2018. People are forced to leave their homes from Erbin, Eastern Ghouta. Photo: Anas Aldmashqi Eastern Ghouta has been under siege since November 2013. This area in Rural Damascus hosts an estimated population of 393,000, including some 99,500...

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