Let’s turn back the Doomsday Clock
The symbolic Doomsday Clock is set at 100 seconds to midnight, where midnight represents humanity obliterating itself. According to the statement of the president and CEO of the Science and Security Board Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Rachel Bronson, there are...
Nonviolence is a superpower
Francois Zankeh lives in Turkey and writes about Syria, 20 May 2020 This is a call for peace from Francois Zankeh. He lived in Syria and was victim of a violent kidnapping. His life goal is to achieve peace through nonviolent means. The world is losing a lot due to...
Peace starts small, between individuals, by getting to know each other as real humans
10 April 2020, Marleen Mauritz, Russian Federation Marleen Mauritz (1969) worked in the Caucasus, North Ossetia, from September 1995 till May 1996. Although it is a while ago, we think that the wisdom she gained from it in peacemaking is universal and can still be...
Blog Report on the situation in Idlib
9 May, 2019 In the last few days, the city of Idlib and some of its surrounding areas have witnessed a massive exodus due to the bombardment of Russian airliners, displacing thousands of families and demolishing houses and hospitals. More than 40 thousand cifilians...
Burgers en NGO’s staan op voor vrede en humanitaire hulp in Jemen
Tijdens een demonstratie op zondag 25 november om 14.15 op het Plein in Den Haag, zullen Nederlandse burgers en NGO’s zich uitspreken voor vrede in Jemen. Op het Plein zal minister Blok of een volksvertegenwoordiger gevraagd worden al het mogelijke te doen om een...
Oplossingen voor Jemen
Onlangs werd in de Jemenitische provincie Sa'dah een schoolbus geraakt door een luchtaanval die geleid werd door Saoedi-Arabië. Er vielen 51 doden, onder wie 40 kinderen. Een week geleden vond weer een luchtaanval plaats in de havenstad Hodeidah waarbij 22 kinderen om...
SOS Ghouta, Syrië
Picture: March 25, 2018. People are forced to leave their homes from Erbin, Eastern Ghouta. Photo: Anas Aldmashqi Eastern Ghouta has been under siege since November 2013. This area in Rural Damascus hosts an estimated population of 393,000, including some 99,500...
Let the Israeli and the Palestinians lead the Peace Process
Picture: At the public peace negotiations organized by the NGO ‘Minds of Peace’ in March 2017 Tel Aviv Gaza, West Bank and Lebanon refugee camp protests formed — several Palestinians recently died and an Israeli policeman was wounded in a Palestinian...
God is the origin in the relations between people and human societies and nations, a divine law that simulates the common sense of man, because the origin in life is peace, and research On the causes of security, stability and prosperity, and away from all that leads...
A preview of the upcoming book ‘Battling Injustice’
The Iron Lady of the Middle East - Tawakkol Karman. The moment I think of Tawakkol Karman, who at the age of 32 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in the year 2011, an intense desire arises in me. It is that the UN should fix a date and time when all men and women of...
Speaking with Jean Minani, President of Burundi’s CNARED
A young boy from Burundi, forced to flee his home due to violence, looks at his new surroundings in the Nyarugusu refugee camp in Tanzania (2015). Photo: UNICEF Tanzania: Rob Beechey. For a year now, Burundi has been on the brink of war. Approximately 800-900 people...

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