Worldwide Peace Manifesto 2020, a message for world leaders
Monday 21st September 2020 was the International Day of Peace. Five years before several NGO”s presented a peace manifesto to Dutch politicians. This year we wanted to present or sent the peace manifesto to world leaders and asked all NGO’s to join and sign the manifest.
For A World In Which All Children Can Play
- We are all responsible for: A World in Which All Children Can Play
This vision can be used to visualize world peace. It is important to maintain good relationships with political leaders of other countries. Empower voices of peace, people who help each other and come up with innovative ideas. In case of a civil war the international community should unite and stimulate dialogue between warring parties. Read further..
This Peace Manifesto is our response to the recently published Manifesto on Strengthening the Dutch Defense that was presented to Ministers Hennis and Koenders in April this year. We also focus on politics and want to use the Peace Manifesto to underline the importance of the prevention of wars and their solution without weapons.
On June 18, 2015, the UNHCR released a report entitled “A World at War”. There are about 60 million refugees, half of them children. In 2014, at least 13,730 children were killed, maimed or injured in armed conflict, according to the United Nations Secretary General’s report (June 8, 2015).
The title of this manifesto “Let the children play: Invest in Peace” indicates that we want a better world for all of us, a world where all children can just play. People, especially children, should not be victims of armed conflicts in which they still participate.

Peace SOS
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