Taking care of the vulnerable people in Syria, Idlib
Syria is a country at war, and its people have now been suffering for the last 10 years. The number of orphans in our cities has increased as a result of the war. Many children lost either their father or their mother, or even both. There is no breadwinner for them...
Children’s Rights in Brick-making Factories (Brick Kilns) in Punjab, Pakistan
Pakistan is a beautiful country, but the situation of children working in brick making factories – brick kilns – deserves attention. Yousaf Adnan is director of CARE Pakistan and one of the people who do their best to improve the situation for the children. According...
Fluffy’s Dream
Fluffy is the youngest son of Wooliemum and Wooliedad. He has three siblings – one sister and two brothers. Fluffy is very happy that he was born in Woolieland. Because Woolieland is a wonderful place, where everyone is kind to each other. But one day, Fluffy finds a...
Once upon a time in Woolieland
Woolieland is like no country on earth, it is far away from humans over the rainbow. Everywhere, you can see wonderful gardens with the tastiest fruits you can ever imagine. Nowhere on earth produces such yummy fruits as in Woolieland. In the gardens, flowers of all...
Nederland, onderteken en ratificeer het VN-kernwapenverbod
Vrijdag 22 januari 2021 treedt het VN-verdrag inzake het Verbod op Kernwapens in werking. Er zijn dan 90 dagen verstreken nadat vijftig landen het ondertekend hebben. Vanaf die datum is het ontwikkelen, testen, fabriceren en bezitten van kernwapens verboden. Ook mag...
The children of the world are watching
I am May-May Meijer, founder of Peace SOS, and I am sending out peace and love to all the people in the world. Praying for all the people in the USA to remain peaceful And in particular to the people in the USA, after the recent violence in the Capitol. I hope and...
The children of Gambia
I’m Festus Iheanacho writing from Gambia, e-mail: Gambia is one of the smallest countries of West Africa, with a population of 2.5 million. The children in Gambia move from one place to the other, without fear of being raped. They walk...
Teso Youth Agricultural Production Initiative for Peace in Uganda
Article by David Adengu, email; I founded the Teso Youth Agricultural Production Initiative for Peace with the aim of reversing the agricultural challenges facing the youth in Uganda and the Teso sub-region, in particular to foster peace and...
Sufficient safe and nutritious food for everybody in the world
Author: Huub Lelieveld, Prof. Dr. h.c. H.L.M. Lelieveld is President of the Global Harmonization Initiative. It was in 2004 that newspapers reported that a shipload of food had once again been confiscated by a government because the food contained trace amounts of an...
A Food Plants International database of edible plants to address malnutrition
Author: Rick Campbell of Food Plant Solutions Contact person: Karalyn Hingston of Food Plant Solutions Every 12 seconds a child, under the age of 5, dies from malnutrition! 1 in 4 children, under the age of 5, do not reach their potential due to malnutrition! The Food...
Uncontrolled woodcutting in the Manicaland region of Zimbabwe has left many fields treeless
This blog was written by Jussa M Kudherezera from Zimbabwe. He founded Manica Youth Assembly (MAYA), a youth-based community organization advocating for peace, environmental protection and rectifying social injustices. MAYA empowers youths to take up...
Peace in Mali expected soon
A blog by Boubacar Issa Traoré, director Peace One Day Mali. Since 2012, after the military putsch which overthrew President Amadou Toumani Touré, Mali has fallen into a social and political crisis. Northern Mali has become the scene of heavy fighting between the army...

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