Taking care of the vulnerable people in Syria, Idlib

27 Mar, 2021 | Hongerbestrijding en honger, Syriƫ, Vluchtelingen

Syria is a country at war, and its people have now been suffering for the last 10 years. The number of orphans in our cities has increased as a result of the war.

Many children lost either their father or their mother, or even both.

There is no breadwinner for them except God and people who have merciful hearts and love to do good. We founded Amna Team to alleviate the unimaginable difficulties in North Syria. Amna is a voluntary charitable association that was created five years ago in North Syria. We aspire to become a global organization that can deliver support to larger numbers of people and operate in more humanitarian crises.

Our aim is to help the poor, the needy, the handicapped, and those affected by the ongoing war in Syria.

We seek to meet their needs and search out people who need support in continuing their lives. Despite the difficult circumstances and the lack of financial resources, we haven’t stopped our activities, but rather we have become even more determined and persistent to spread joy and happiness to many broken and withered hearts.

Director of the Amna Team: Mostafa Salloum

Fundraising page: https://www.facebook.com/donate/769164390681674/

Note: Peace SOS spoke via the phone with Mostafa Salloum. We endorse the message of Amna Team and their work for the vulnerable people in Idlib, we didn’t visit Amna Team in Idlib nor ask for an annual report however.