by Jason Sindram | Oct 19, 2021
Manica Youth Assembly (MAYA) we’re proud to have many women joining young people in dedicated to reforestation Dangamvura mountain with the supported from Peace SOS. Plant a tree, care for creation. Celebrating the love of creation by planting trees with women in...
by Jason Sindram | Sep 30, 2021
We are very grateful to sister May May and Peace SOS that we have been able to install a water pump on one brick kiln factory area (brick-making factories). More than one and a half hundred people have been able to drink clean water there. We live in Pakistan. Our...
by Jason Sindram | Sep 30, 2021
The Malagasy singer Tsiverliza, his wife Saskia, a team of dedicated volunteers in Madagascar and Peace SOS teamed up to offer help to the poorest people in the southern region of the country, where drought, hunger, and poverty leads to a worrisome struggle for...