Vredesmanifestatie Za 21 Sept 14:00 uur

English text below

Vredesmanifestatie voor: Een Wereld Waarin Alle Kinderen Kunnen Spelen


Op zaterdag 21 september 2024 is het de Internationale Dag van de Vrede. Daarom komen we van 14.00 tot 15.00 bij elkaar in stilte op de Dam in Amsterdam. Om de slachtoffers van de oorlogen in Oekraïne, Gaza en andere conflicten wereldwijd te herdenken, maar ook, om op te roepen tot vrede.

Voor Oekraïne zien we dat er vredesconferenties georganiseerd worden en dat geeft een sprankje hoop. Tegelijkertijd maken we ons zorgen om het feit dat er 500.000 Oekraïense en Russische soldaten zijn gedood of gewond geraakt, 10.500 burgers waarvan 587 kinderen en de voortschrijdende escalatie. Zo zet de NAVO meer kernwapens op stand-by. En het is al reeds 90 seconden voor middennacht op de Doemdagklok, waarbij middennacht symbool staat voor het einde van het leven op aarde als gevolg van menselijk handelen.

De afschuwelijke en schokkende beelden van kinderen die slachtoffer zijn van de oorlog in Gaza, alle hulpverleners die omkomen, laten ons ook niet los. Evenals het feit dat er al in Gaza al meer dan 31.000 doden zijn gevallen. De hele bevolking in Gaza wordt uitgehongerd, ziekenhuizen zijn gebombardeerd en er is geen schoon water. Echter, ook de beelden van 7 oktober zijn verschrikkelijk.

Laten we het leven koesteren en zorgen voor elkaar:  Een Wereld Waarin Alle Kinderen Kunnen Spelen.

Wij pleiten voor:

  • Een wereldwijd permanent staakt-het-vuren
  • Humanitaire hulp voor mensen in nood
  • Kernwapens de wereld uit.

Kom zaterdag 21 september van 14.00 tot 15.00 ook naar de Dam om deel te nemen aan onze stiltekring. Neem een vredesteken mee. Nationale vlaggen kunnen thuisblijven.


Deze vredesmanifestatie wordt ondersteund door:

Gandhi Centre Italy

International Peace Bureau (Berlin)

Kerk en Vrede


NVMP-Artsen voor vrede

Peace SOS


Religies voor Vrede

The Hague Peace Projects

Ukrainian Pacifist Movement

Vredesbeweging Pais

World Beyond War


PS de tekst over de oorlogen wereldwijd kan nog aangepast worden aan de actuele situatie.

PS2 met dank aan o.a. Camiel Verberne

Peace Demonstration for: A World Where All Children Can Play

Saturday 21, September 2024 is the International Day of Peace. That is why we will be assembling in silence on Dam Square in Amsterdam from 14.00 to 15.00. To honor the victims of the wars in Ukraine, Gaza and other conflicts worldwide, but also to call for peace.

For Ukraine, we see peace conferences being organised and that provides a glimmer of hope. At the same time, we are concerned about the fact that 500,000 Ukrainian and Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded, as well as 10,500 civilians, including 587 children, and the continuing escalation. So NATO is putting more nuclear weapons on standby. And it is already 90 seconds before midnight on the Doomsday Clock, with midnight symbolising the end of life on earth as a result of human actions.

The horrifying and shocking images of the children that are victims of the war in Gaza, all the aid workers being killed, leave an indelible impression on us. Added to the fact that more than 31,000 people have already died in Gaza. The entire population in Gaza is starving, hospitals have been bombed and there is no clean water. But the images of 7 October are also horrific.

Let us cherish life and care for each other: A World Where All Children Can Play.

We call for:

– A global permanent ceasefire

– Humanitarian aid for people in need

– An end to nuclear weapons

Join us at Dam Square on Saturday 21 September from 2pm to 3pm to participate in our circle of silence. Bring a peace sign. National flags can stay at home.


This peace event is supported by:

Gandhi Centre Italy

International Peace Bureau (Berlin)

Kerk en Vrede


NVMP-Artsen voor vrede

Peace SOS


Religies voor Vrede

The Hague Peace Projects

Ukrainian Pacifist Movement

Vredesbeweging Pais

World Beyond War


PS the text on wars worldwide may still be updated to reflect the current situation

PS2 with thanks amongst others to Camiel Verberne

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DR Congo: A Nation Longing for Peace

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A message of a father from Gaza

A message of a father from Gaza

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DR Congo: A Nation Longing for Peace

DR Congo: A Nation Longing for Peace

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A message of a father from Gaza

A message of a father from Gaza

The good news is that the family, which provided vegetables for Peace SOS to people in need before the war started, is still alive in Gaza. The family consists of a man, his wife, their baby girl and a young boy. But they are suffering a lot. This is the message of a...

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Peace SOS participated in the public peace negotiations organized by Minds of Peace in Israel, 2017

Public Peace Negotiations in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square (2017). Organized  by Minds of Peace.

For more information on the work of Sapir Handelman of Minds of Peace, see this short documentary that aired on BBC:


The Frontlines of Peace by Séverine Autesserre

I had the opportunity to hear professor Séverine Autesserre lecture about her new book The Frontlines of Peace. She stresses the need to put “local actors in the driver’s seat.” Séverine paraphrases Paul Lederach, who believes that the best solutions to any conflict come from the people experiencing it. Nevertheless, she believes that top-down building remains crucial, because it can help to reinforce the achievements of local inhabitants.

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Here I Am by May-May Meijer

Here I Am, is my book about my experiences with psychosis, depression and forced hospitalization. You might wonder why this book is paid attention to on the website of Peace SOS? During my psychosis, God showed the world through his eyes. His love for everything that lives. The bushes that seemed to want to touch me, the soil in the ground and all the organisms living in it, the snails communicating with each other. That is why I often say that we need to respect and cherish life. Life on earth is all interconnected.

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World Peace: And how we can achieve it by Alex Bellamy

In his book World Peace: And how we can achieve it, Professor Alex Bellamy states that he thinks of peace as the absence and prevention of war and the management of conflict through peaceful means, implying some form of legitimate civic order. By ‘world’ peace he means the extension of these ideas globally. World peace doesn’t come from institutional arrangements or economics alone, but must also live within the hearts and minds of people.

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Battling Injustice: 16 Women Nobel Peace Laureates by Supriya Vani

Supriya Vani interviewed many Nobel Peace laureates with the goal of inspiring people to work for peace. She wrote a preliminary article about her book for the website of Peace SOS, which can be found here.

The Women Nobel Peace Laureates are all beyond brave and inspiring and it is hard to mention only a couple of them. Bertha von Suttner wrote the book Die Waffen nieder! (Lay Down Your Arms!).

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Peace SOS
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