
A message of a father from Gaza

A message of a father from Gaza

The good news is that the family, which provided vegetables for Peace SOS to people in need before the war started, is still alive in Gaza. The family consists of a man, his wife, their baby girl and a young boy. But they are suffering a lot. This is the message of a...

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A message from Rafah, Gaza

A message from Rafah, Gaza

“Our dear friend May .. Greetings, and after perhaps this is our last message that you will receive, write it for you and my heart is torn apart by the tragic circumstances we are going through. Unfortunately, the crossing will be closed during the ground operation of...

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Cherish the people of Gaza

Cherish the people of Gaza

In October last year, I wrote an opinion article entitled "Stop the violence in Gaza and Israel." In it, I expressed how shocked I was by the horrific attacks on Israeli civilians by Hamas on 7 October and called for the Israeli hostages to be released. I also called...

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Stop the violence in Israel and Gaza

Stop the violence in Israel and Gaza

The attacks on Israeli civilians by Hamas are horrendous. Local organisation Women Wage Peace, which wrote a blog on the Peace SOS website, reveal on their Facebook page that many of its members have lost a loved one. They condemn the carnage caused by the terrorists;...

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