Open Letter – Resolution to be presented at the UN concerning peace negotiations for Ukraine
Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Presidente de México
Puerta 8 Palacio Nacional,
Plaza de la Constitución S/N
Colonia Centro,
Ciudad de México,
C.P. 06066
Cc. Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, HE Narendra Modi, Holy Father Pope Francis, HE António Guterres
Re: Resolution to be presented at the UN concerning peace negotiations for Ukraine
Bussum, the Netherlands, 21 November 2022
Your Excellency,
Greetings from all of us, various peace organizations and peace lovers from all over the world. Also from people from inside Ukraine.
We would like to draw your attention to the suffering of the people in Ukraine. We are shocked by the people dying every day in Ukraine and the threat of a nuclear war. We hope that all lives will be respected and cherished: the lives of the innocent children, the lives of all the civilians, the lives of all the soldiers. We hope that the war in Ukraine will be over soon. That peace will come and that humanitarian aid will be provided. Peace negotiations for Ukraine are needed now. The Black Sea Grain Initiative gives us hope.
Your Excellency proposed a commission for dialogue and peace for Ukraine. Thank you very much for this initiative! This is why we are addressing this letter to you. To be sure that our call reaches you and your committee, we are also sending a copy to the members you wish to include in that committee: HE Narendra Modi and Holy Father Pope Francis. In addition, we are sending a copy to the Secretary General of the United Nations, HE António Guterres.
In an interview with Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University in Share International magazine, we read that he has proposed to peace organizations to call for a resolution about peace negotiations for Ukraine for the General Assembly of the United Nations.
We strongly support this idea and call in this letter for a resolution about peace negotiations for Ukraine to be presented at the General Assembly of the United Nations. We look forward to hearing your Excellency’s opinion on this.
Hoping to see soon: A World in Which All Children Can Play.
Peace and all the best,
Aart Bos, MasterPeace, the Netherlands
Alex de Brouwer, blogger Peace SOS, Netherlands
Andrea LeBlanc, September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, USA
Anita Kelles-viitanen, Socio-Cultural Value, Finland
Begard Yunis, Internationella kvinnoförbundet för fred och frihet Göteborg kretsen (IKFF), Sweden
Belgian Coalition ‘Stop depleted uranium weapons’, Belgium
Bernhard Trautvetter, Speaker Essen Peace Forum, Germany
Bernie Holland – Soka Gakkai International – United Kingdom
Birgitta Lowander, Member of ICAN, Stockholm, Sweden
Boris Serebryakov, Burnasyan SRC-FMBC FMBA, Russia
Brian Jones, CND Cymru, UK
Brigitte L. Ehrich, Association of World Citizens Germany, Germany
Brigitte L. Ehrich, Friedenskonzepte, Germany
Dr. Carlos Vassaux, Guatemala
Carol Wolman, Voices for a nuclear free future, California, USA
Charlotte Svardstrom, Kultur for Fred, Sweden
Chris Geerse, Vredesbeweging Pais, the Netherlands
Christiane Schmutterer, ARGE ja zur Umwelt, Wien, Austria
Code Pink, USA
Colin Archer, Secretary-General, International Peace Bureau (retired)
Cooperation for Peace, (consisting of more then 50 peace organisations), Germany
Corazon Valdez Fabros, Co-President, International Peace Bureau, Germany
Darien De Lu, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, USA
David Swanson, Executive Director, World BEYOND War
Dominic T. Moulden, The Elephant Free School, USA
Evelyn Voigt, Civilian Peace Service Canada, Canada
Foreign Policy Team-Progressive Democrats of America
Gudrun Tiberg, Feministiskt initiativ, Sweden
Henk Baars, Kerk en Vrede, (Church and Peace), Netherlands
H.Peter Degischer,, Austria
Irene Sørensen, FredsVagten ved Christiansborg, Denmark
Jeff Cohen,, USA
Joseph Gerson, President, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, USA
Karin Utas Carlsson, Peace House Gothenburg, Sweden
Kendra Mon, Peace Alliance, National Department of Peacebuilding Committee, Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace (GAMIP), United States
Kevin Martin, President, Peace Action (USA)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Moegling, Scientists for Future, Democracy Without Borders, Germany
Koldobi Velasco, Alternativa Antimilitarista.MOC, Spain
Kristine Karch, co-chair international No to war – no to NATO network
Lea Launokari, Women for Peace, Finland
Luci Murphy, Organizer, Claudia Jones School for Political Education, USA
Ludo De Brabander, spokesperson, Vrede vzw, Belgium
Lynn Jamieson, Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Scotland, UK
Merci Angeles, Executive Director, Peace Women Partners (Philippines)
Margot Müller, Feministische Partei DIE FRAUEN, Germany
Marjolijn Snippe, WFBN, World Federalist movement, The Netherlands
Martha Allen, Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press, United States
Martina Knappert-Hiese, Friedensregion Bodensee e.V., Germany
Matyas Benyik, President ATTAC Hungary Association, Hungary
Maximilienne Ngo MBE; Executive Director, Réseau des Défenseurs des Droits Humains en Afrique Centrale (REDHAC), Cameroon
May-May Meijer, founder Peace SOS, Netherlands
Dr. med. Mechthild Klingenburg-Vogel, IPPNW Kiel, Germany
Michel Vanhoorne, Coördinator of the Left Ecological Forum, Belgium
Mirek PROKES, UNITED for Intercultural Action, Prague Office
Miroslav Prokeš, Defence for Children International, Czech section
Muslim Peace Fellowship, USA
NaturwissenschaftlerInnen-Initiative Verantwortung für Frieden und Zukunftsfähigkeit e.V. (NatWiss), Germany
NVMP-Artsen voor vrede, Netherlands
Oksana Chelysheva, a journalist, AI award recipient, Finland
Ola Friholt, chairman, for The Peace Movement of Orust, Sweden
Oleg Bodrov, Public Council of the Southern Coast of the Gulf of Finland, North-West Russia peace movement coordinator, International Peace Bureau Board member, Russia
Outi Hakkarainen / CRASH – Coalition for Research and Action for Social Justice and Human Dignity Finland
Paki Wieland, Massachusetts Peace Action, USA
Paula Shaw, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, UK
Pilar Quarzell, teatro vivo in natura, Italy
Pim van de Bosch, Peacekeeping missions without weapons, Netherlands
Rita Salaris-Lichtenberg, Chair, Women’s Federation for World Peace, Netherlands
Robin Lloyd, WILPF US Burlington VT, USA
Sean Conner, Executive Director, International Peace Bureau, Germany
Sirkku Järvelä, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Finland
Sviatoslav Zabelin, Socio-ecological union international, Russia
Stephanie Mbanzendore, Burundian Women for Peace and Development, Netherlands, Burundi
Suman Khanna Aggarwal, Ph.D., Founder & President, Shanti Sahyog Centre for Nonviolence, India (CFN)
Susan H Smith, Director of Operations, Fellowship of Reconciliation, USA
Tara Stuart, The Hill Center for Peacebuilding, New Hampshire, USA
Theresa El-Amin, Board Chair, Southern Anti-Racism Network, USA
Thomas Wallgren, professor of philosophy, University of Helsinki, Finland
Tim Devereux, Chair, Movement for the Abolition of War, United Kingdom
Ulla Klötzer, Women Against Nuclear Power, Finland
Wim Koetsier, Secretary General, Universal Peace Federation, Netherlands
Wolf Göhring, Bonn, Germany
Yan Shenkman, journalist, Russia
Yurii Sheliazhenko, Ph.D., Executive secretary, Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, Ukraine
Please address your correspondence via e-mail to: May-May Meijer, E:
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Peace SOS, May-May Meijer, Poortland 66, 1046 BD Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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