Open Letter – Please extend the Truce, Let All Children Play in Yemen
English – Arabic
Prime Minister for Yemen, Dr Maeen Abdulmalek Saeed
Minister of Foreign Affairs for Yemen Dr. Ahmed Bin Mubarak
Leader of Ansar Allah Mr. Abdul-Malik Badreddin Al-Houthi
Spokesman of Ansar Allah Mr Muhammad Abd al-Salam
His Highness Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian
His Highness Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Yemen Mr. Hans Grundberg
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mr. W. B. Hoekstra
Ambassador Republic of Yemen for the Netherlands Ms. Sahar Ghanem
Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for Yemen Mr. Peter-Derrek Hof
U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Mr. Timothy Lenderking
U.S. Embassy in the Netherlands Chargé d’Affaires Ms. Marja Verloop
Bussum, the Netherlands, May 30th, 2022
Open letter
Subject: Please extend the Truce, Let All Children Play in Yemen
Your Excellencies, Your Highnesses,
As citizens, our hearts cry for all the people in the world suffering from violence, starvation and illness due to war. This applies especially for the children and people of Yemen. The situation is tragic. According to David Gressly, the humanitarian coordinator for Yemen, the numbers of people in need are still staggering. Over 23 million people –almost three-quarters of Yemen’s population – now need assistance.
Nevertheless, the truce brings hope to the Yemeni people. According to OCHA Yemen, since the truce began civilian casualties decreased and humanitarian access was enhanced.
We urge you to please extend the truce and to do whatever you can to create a peaceful Yemen. As adults, it is our responsibility to create a world in which all children can play. To cherish life.
Furthermore, as indicated in our letter of previous year, we kindly ask you to:
- Help to release all child soldiers from their ranks
- Include Yemeni women and NGOs in the peace negotiations
- Do everything you can to prevent an environmental disaster due to the bad state of repair of the Al-Safer oil tanker, which is located close to Hodeidah port. App. 200 million liters of oil can leak into the Red Sea. Eight million people can loose access to running water and Yemen’s Red Sea fishing stock would be destroyed within three weeks.
If we can help you and contribute to peace via peaceful means in Yemen, please let us know. We hope to see All the Children in Yemen Playing Soon.
Kind regards,
Bert Sweerts, member NVMP Artsen voor Vrede (NVMP Doctors for Peace)
Chris Geerse, Peace movement Pais, Netherlands
Chale Guadamuz, director of Hague Peace Projects, Netherlands
David Adengu, chairperson TEYAPI4peace organization, Uganda
David Swanson, Executive Director, World BEYOND War
Ebrahim Saif Mahmmod, Peace SOS, Yemen
Henk Baars, Chair Kerk en Vrede, Netherlands (Church and Peace)
Hooria Mashhour, Former Minister for Human Rights Yemen. Consultant for YTJC. Co/founder of National Reconciliation Movement
Ingeborg Breines, consultant and former co-president International Peace Bureau
former director UNESCO, Norway
Jacqueline Boerebach Vredesplatform Hilversum, (Peace platform Hilversum), Netherlands
Jeffrey Quarsie, NVMP Artsen voor Vrede (NVMP Doctors for Peace)
Joke Oranje, peace activist for women, Netherlands
May-May Meijer, founder Peace SOS, Netherlands
Medea Benjamin, Cofounder of peace group CODEPINK, United States of America
Neda Saleh, Coordinator Action Corps, United States of America
Nina Koevoets, Foundation for Active Nonviolence, the Netherlands/Greece
Oksana Chelysheva, journalist, Finland
Rita Salaris-Lichtenberg, Chair Women’s Federation for World Peace, Netherlands
Stephanie Mbanzendore, founder Burundian Women for Peace and Development
Tiny Hannink, Women for Peace Enschede, Netherlands
Wim Koetsier, Secretary General Universal Peace Federation, Netherlands
Yan Shenkman, journalist, Russia
Yurii Sheliazhenko Ph.D. Executive secretary Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, Ukraine
Please address your correspondence via e-mail to: May-May Meijer, E:

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