To A World In Which All Children Can Play
1) We are all responsible for: A World in Which All Children Can Play
This vision can be used to envision world peace. It is essential to maintain good relationships with political leaders of other countries. And to empower voices of peace, people who help each other and come up with innovative ideas. In the case of a civil war, the international community should unite and stimulate dialogue between warring parties.
2) Please sign the nuclear ban, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
It is 100 seconds to midnight on the symbolic Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. According to Princeton University, 90 million people will die or become wounded in the first few hours after a nuclear war breaks out. More people will die through radiation and hunger. If your country has already signed the Nuclear Ban, that is wonderful!
3) Please call for a ban on killer robots, lethal autonomous weapons
Join the 4500 artificial intelligence researchers who have called for a ban on lethal autonomous weapons. As e.g. Meia Chita-Tegmark has explained in a video about Why we should ban lethal autonomous weapons, artificial intelligence should be used to save and improve lives, not to do destroy them.
4) Invest in peace via peaceful means, humanitarian action and poverty reduction
Professor Bellamy (2019) states that despite clear evidence that, for example, conflict prevention, humanitarian action, and peacebuilding have positive impacts, these activities are all under-resourced. Global spending on arms is approximately $1.9 trillion. It is estimated that the annual cost of war is around $1.0 trillion. We promote investing in peace via peaceful means and humanitarian action. Gender equality promotes more peaceful societies. Furthermore, the participation of the youth in the field of peace and security is vital.
Hunger must be stopped, and fresh water provided, also by empowering innovative ideas.
5) Protect nature and stop climate change
The Doomsday Clock has moved to 100 seconds to midnight because of nuclear weapons and climate change. Please follow the advice of climate scientists, climate and nature activists, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the UN (IPCC). Halt deforestation and encourage biodiversity.
Useful links / References
- Ban Lethal autonomous weapons.
- Bellamy, A. J. (2019). World Peace: (And how we can achieve it). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Bellamy, A. J. (21 September 2019). Ten facts about world peace.
- Glaser, A. et al. (6 September, 2019) Plan A. Retrieved from:
- Eric Holt-Giménez, Annie Shattuck, Miguel Altieri, Hans Herren & Steve Gliessman
- (2012): We Already Grow Enough Food for 10 Billion People … and Still Can’t End Hunger, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 36:6, 595-598
- Spinazze, G. (January 2020). Press Release: It is now 100 seconds to Midnight. Retrieved from:
- Stop killer robots.
- Thunberg, G. (June 2020). Greta Thunberg: Climate change as urgent as corona virus. BBC News. Retrieved from:
- UN Resolution 1325. Landmark resolution on women, peace and security.
- UN resolution 2250. Resources on youth, peace and security.
- Why we should ban lethal autonomous weapons. Retrieved from:
This Peace Manifesto is supported by:
- Amsterdams Vredesinitiatief (Netherlands)
- Burundian Women for Peace and Development (Burundi and the Netherlands)
- Christian Peacemaker Teams (Netherlands)
- De Quakers (Netherlands)
- Eirene Nederland (Netherlands)
- Kerk en Vrede (Netherlands)
- Manica Youth Assembly (Zimbabwe)
- Multicultural Women Peacemakers Network (umbrella organization, Netherlands)
- Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement between People (Palestine)
- Peace One Day Mali (Mali)
- Peace SOS (Netherlands)
- Platform Vrede Hilversum (Netherlands)
- Platform Vrouwen en Duurzame Vrede (umbrella organization Women and Sustainable Peace, Netherlands)
- Religies voor Vrede Nederland (Netherlands)
- Save the Peace Organization (Pakistan)
- Stichting Universal Peace Federation Nederland (Netherlands)
- Stichting voor Actieve Geweldloosheid (Netherlands)
- Stichting Vredesburo Eindhoven (Netherlands)
- Stichting Vredescentrum Eindhoven (Netherlands)
- Stop Wapenhandel (The Netherlands)
- Yemen Organization for Women’s Policies (Yemen and Europe)
- The Peace Party (United Kingdom)
- Young Changemakers Foundation (Nigeria)
- Vredesbeweging Pais (Netherlands)
- Vrede vzw (Belgium)
- Vredesmissies zonder wapens (Netherlands)
- Werkgroep Eindhoven~Kobanê (Netherlands, Syria)
- Women’s Federation for World Peace Netherlands (Netherlands)
- World Beyond War (Global)
- Women Wage Peace (Israel)
- World Solar Fund (United States of America and The Netherlands)
Most organizations have international contacts. For more information about this Peace Manifesto 2020, please contact May-May Meijer:

Peace SOS
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