Esmee Versteegh


Always driven to make a positive impact on the world, I was looking for an association pursuing the same goals as I. Politics had left me disillusioned. The polarization has not only crept in our systems, it has taken residence in many people’s bodies, minds and hearts as well. Peace SOS does not feed on such ‘we-they’ dichotomies and that’s why I decided to become active in this organization. The core message: ‘Peace for everyone in a world in which all children can play’ is the only objective that matters to me. And to be fair, we adults all just want to play around in this world as well, right? That’s why I will be joining hands to make this possible. As Rumi wrote: ‘Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing is a field. I’ll meet you there.’ I am waiting for you.

Peace SOS
IBAN: NL37TRIO0391163124
Dutch Chamber of Commerce
registration number: 65947355

Dutch identification number for legal entities and associations
RSIN: 856328789